Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Friday, 11 December 2009

I should be at home. Or out.

My brain feels like mashed potato

Fuck it all.. I can't... i can't even NOT be bothered with it... it'w wrenching at my fat gut... pulling at my weathered, withered heart...

Little Star.

My favourite star in the sky
A bright and shiny thing
Full and strong, huge and distant

I remember the day... have no idea when
I found out that my star wasn't a star atall..

It was huge, and it was bright..
But not a speck on what it once meant to me. That star was a planet. Accessable, small... mediocre... dangerous...

My star isn't what it once was.
It was beautiful.
It was mine.

Monday, 7 December 2009