Thursday, 25 November 2010

Going over.

Going over.

Eyes sparking in the brain, explosions of grandeur.
I look at you and i look into a bottomless well.
Something to fall into and rot.
Something to fall into and lose myself.
You are the tunnel I tumble down. You are the abyss that spins and rocks me, to the core.
No more games.
No more fun.
Just you.
Just those eyes that I grew to yearn, the eyes that I demanded look my way.
The eyes that tore from everything and aimed at me.
Those eyes that danced and lied to others.
Those eyes that broke promises.
The eyes that pulled down castles, brick my brick, stone by stone, just to be with me.
You Pierced me to the core.
You tore this paper in half, quarters, eights... you tore me into tiny piles of snow with your gaze and I will never understand why.
Why did you tear yourself from deepest sea blue, from wide framed chaos.. What do you see?
You tore yourself from one, settled to another, and another.. have you now settled for this? This little girl, this emotional and emotive mess. This day-dreamer. This heartbreaker.
This eater of dreams.

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